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The National Curriculum

Ngā Whakahoutanga o Mua

Tō mātou kōrero


Ngā Tautoko Whakatinanatanga


Ngā Whakahoutanga o Mua

On this page, you can find issues of the Te Poutāhū curriculum newsletter, as well as all of the news stories that have been published on Tāhūrangi.

Te Poutāhū curriculum newsletter


You can also find past issues of the curriculum newsletter on here: Bulletins - Ministry of Education.

Tāhūrangi ‘What’s new’ archive


New NCEA Level 1 supports available


One-hour-a-day Teaching Guidelines and Resources


New NCEA Level 1 supports available
Updated Early Learning Curriculum Framework in use from 1 May
New resources to help you choose and use a curriculum pathway (Early Learning)
Getting to know Tāhūrangi


Future Tāhūrangi improvements (updated 5 September)
$67 million for structured teaching approaches
Education Sector Logon
Ngā Whakawhanake mō ngā Rā ki Tua (Te Marautanga o Aotearoa)
Supporting Pānui, Tuhituhi and Pāngarau
Term 2 teacher-only day resources


Minister announces curriculum timelines for schools and kura
National curriculum writing groups
The next issues of the Connected series are on their way!


Minister outlines intentions for assessment and aromatawai


NZMaths is moving to Tāhūrangi
Curriculum timelines changing
Government announces Make It Count – a maths action plan
Kōwhiti Whakapae oral language & literacy and maths content now available
Targeted supports to accelerate learning in literacy and te reo matatini
Staffing resource for structured literacy support in Years 0-2 (NZC)
New School Journal, Junior Journal, and CHAPTERS books out now (NZC)


Supporting teachers and kaiako with impactful professional learning and development
Providing more PLD for structured approaches to teaching
Funding contribution for structured literacy and te reo matatini resources
Phonics checks
New Ready to Read Phonics Plus books out
Maths and pāngarau resources coming soon
Supports for implementing curriculum and assessment changes


New resources for services using Te Ara Māori
Structured Approaches to Maths resources and information now available
Term four teacher-only days
Moving content to Tāhūrangi
Maths resources available for order now (NZC)
National curriculum refresh reaches key milestone


Pāngarau resources coming soon
New School Journal and Junior Journal books out now