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Curriculum timelines changing

4 August 2024

The timeline for updating the National Curriculum has changed as part of a response to tackle maths achievement in Aotearoa New Zealand. 

Schools and kura will now need to use the refreshed mathematics and statistics learning area from the New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) and the pāngarau wāhanga ako from Te Marautanga o Aotearoa for Years 0-8 from Term 1 2025, no longer from the start of 2026.

National curriculum changes

To make sure teachers and kaiako have time to focus on maths and pāngarau, the Minister of Education has also agreed that the timeline for the new science and technology curriculum will be pushed out. These will now be available for use and open for feedback from Term 3, 2025.

  • Teachers and kaiako in Years 7-13 for English and te reo Rangatira and in Years 9-13 for maths and pāngarau can still expect to see drafts of this material in Term 4 this year for feedback. 

Feedback will be invited on the draft maths learning areas and pāngarau wāhanga ako for Years 0-8 alongside the previously planned consultation on the draft Years 0-6 English learning area content and fast testing of te reo rangatira wāhanga ako materials.

A range of support, resources and further guidance will be made available to support these changes.

This will include:

  • New teacher and student workbooks for every primary school and kura
  • Professional learning and development in maths and pāngarau for teachers and kaiako
  • Teacher-only day resources