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Targeted supports to accelerate learning in literacy and te reo matatini

26 August 2024

As Structured Literacy Approaches to teaching are bedded in, fewer learners will need additional support. For those learners who do need help, we are providing a range of curriculum supports for students needing help to accelerate their progress in reading, writing, pānui and tuhituhi.  

The information below outlines curriculum supports available for: 

  • Learners in Years 0-8. These curriculum supports are aligned to the updated national curriculum and structured teaching approaches to accelerate student learning.  

  • Learners in Years 9-13. These curriculum supports are focused on learners needing help with the NCEA co-requisites.  

With the updated curriculum, and newly announced twice-yearly assessment, aromatawai and phonics checks being introduced, teachers and kaiako will be able to identify students who need additional help to accelerate their learning earlier, and help them access the supports they need.  

To learn more about the accelerated learning supports, please view the attached infosheet.  

The key supports available include: 

  • Staffing resource for structured literacy support in Years 0-2, where schools teaching the New Zealand Curriculum can apply for staffing to implement their own programme for students who need help. This support will align with structured approaches to teaching literacy.  Applications open 2 September 2024. Click here for more information on how to apply. Below lists the criteria schools will need to meet:

    • Participation in structured literacy professional development with a Ministry approved provider (Ministry or school funded).

    • Using structured literacy as core/foundation in teaching reading, writing and oral language in the context of curriculum.

    • Agree to assigning the resourcing directly to working alongside students to provide targeted support to meet learning need and accelerate progress.

    • Commitment to reporting, monitoring and evaluation as required by the Ministry. 

    • Match the staffing allocation from their own resources (as was the case for the Reading Recovery and Early Literacy Support programme).

  • Programmes for Students to accelerate learning in Years 3-8, where schools teaching the New Zealand Curriculum will be able to apply for the updated Accelerating Learning in Literacy programme. Applications open 20 September 2024.  

  • Specialist support to accelerate ākonga learning for pānui and tuhituhi, where from 2025 kaiako will be able to identify ākonga who require additional support to access targeted and tailored assistance. Applications will open in term 1, 2025. 
  • Support in years 9-13, to help students to accelerate learning to prepare for the NCEA co-requisites (from 14 October). Schools and settings where learning is through te reo Māori will be identified and contacted by a Ministry-appointed supplier who will begin contacting schools from 14 October 2024.  

  • Schools and kura will be supported by regional Ministry staff and the regional learning support workforce. Tailored supports for learners with more complex and unique learning needs will continue to be available as they currently are.  

  • Resource Teachers: Literacy (RTLit) service. The national RTLit service will continue to provide a specialist literacy service to schools teaching the New Zealand Curriculum for students in Years 0 – 8. To request support from the RTLit service, schools can contact their local cluster or contact their regional Ministry team for advice.

Consideration is being given as to how we can further support students who need additional help with maths and pāngarau.