Nau mai, haere mai. Welcome to Tāhūrangi!
2 November 2023
We’re pleased to introduce our new digital home for teaching and learning resources from early learning to secondary schooling across the national curriculum of Aotearoa New Zealand. We wanted to take this opportunity to tell you about Tāhūrangi, how it came to be, and why we’re so excited to bring it to you.
In October 2022, the Ministry was gifted the platform’s official name and whakapapa by Dr Wayne Ngata: Tāhūrangi.
Tāhū, often referred to as Tāhūhū, is the central ridgepole that runs the length of a wharenui. This pole is important within any whare: it not only holds it up, but depicts the whakapapa of those who descend from it. Its use within the name is also a reflection of Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga, acknowledging that the new curriculum platform is a taonga the Ministry of Education is responsible for.
Rangi, as in Ipurangi or internet, is used here to describe knowledge that sits within the sky (often referred to as information in ‘the cloud’). Rangi also refers to Ranginui – the atua who takes care of everything across the sky.
What makes us so excited about Tāhūrangi?
We probably don’t need to tell you that, in the past, it’s been hard for people to find quality resources when they planned their teaching and learning. Resources were spread over a number of old, hard to navigate websites, meaning it took longer than it needed for someone to find the content they were looking for.
Tāhūrangi makes the search for resources much easier. It takes the content from our different sites and puts them in one place, and is designed to help you efficiently find, organise, download, and share quality resources and teaching materials.
There are a few other key features that will make it so easy to use:
- Bilingual te reo Māori/English search functions, so that you can search using one language and find results in both,
- a range of search filters, so that you can quickly find the resources you need,
- and the ability to quickly download resources.
Additionally, you can sign in to Tāhūrangi using an Education Sector Logon, giving you access to additional features personalised for you:
- Organise and save resources to create your own collections, which you can access later.
- Share those collections with other users that have a Tāhūrangi profile.
- Save your language preferences.
We’ll be putting all our new curriculum content, resources, and teaching materials on Tāhūrangi going forward, and we’ll continue to review, refresh, or retire existing content so that it stays up to date.
Who is Tāhūrangi for?
Tāhūrangi is home to content that supports teaching and learning across:
- Te Whāriki: He Whāriki mātauranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa Early Childhood Curriculum
- Te Marautanga o Aotearoa
- The New Zealand Curriculum
- and, in time, Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo
There’s also resources and information that whānau, parents, and caregivers can access to help ākonga with their learning.
How do I get started?
If you’re not sure where to start exploring Tāhūrangi, you can check out our Getting Started guides.
Here are the Getting Started guides for Tāhūrangi:
- Te Whāriki
- Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (Te Reo Māori)
- Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (English)
- New Zealand Curriculum
If you want an Education Sector Logon so that you can access all the features Tāhūrangi has to offer, you can learn how to get one here.