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The National Curriculum

Implementation Supports

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Implementation Supports


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We know that effective implementation and sustainable change won’t be achieved overnight – it's a shared and ongoing commitment. That’s why we’ve established this hub to make sure you have access to high-quality professional learning and development opportunities, frontline help, and resources and guidance wherever you’re starting from.

Helping you make the change

This page details the current implementation supports available to you with a particular focus on the 2025 year, and the unique supports available for the Years 0-6 English and Years 0-8 maths learning areas within The New Zealand Curriculum, and the Years 0-6 Te Reo Rangatira and Years 0-8 Pāngarau wāhanga ako within Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.

We’ll continue to update the resources and information on this page as we reach new milestones and release new learning areas and wāhanga ako.


Curriculum change timeline

We have developed a 5-year implementation timeline to give you a picture of the key curriculum, assessment and aromatawai changes taking place between 2024 and 2029. The timeline highlights what we’re doing to strengthen curriculum, teaching, assessment and aromatawai in Aotearoa New Zealand, and provides visibility of the different ways we’ll support you to implement these changes.

We’ll update the timeline each term.

The link below takes you to the timeline for The New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa changes.

5-Year Implementation Timeline

Understanding the timeline

The timeline shows you the steps we’re taking to make sure all students and ākonga across Aotearoa New Zealand have access to quality curriculum, quality teaching, and quality assessment and aromatawai.

The 5 strands of our curriculum, assessment and aromatawai work

The timeline is organised into 5 strands, reflecting the different workstreams that make up the curriculum, assessment and aromatawai changes. We’ve done this so you can see how the changes across each stream of work are connected and will work together to ensure we can successfully deliver and implement a quality curriculum, quality teaching practice, and quality assessment and aromatawai in our schooling system.

Clearer curriculum

This strand details the work being done to make the national curriculum clear about the learning that cannot be left to chance. This includes when learning areas and wāhanga ako are released for consultation and when they become required for use.

Consistent practice

This strand includes the work being done to make sure that students and ākonga across the country have access to the same high-quality teaching and learning. This includes the introduction of structured teaching approaches for English, maths, Te Reo Rangatira and Pāngarau.

Strengthened assessment and aromatawai

This strand includes the work being done to provide students, ākonga, teachers, kaiako, parents and whanau with a consistent measure of student and ākonga progress to support teaching and learning. This includes the use of standardised tools and more consistent assessment, aromatawai and reporting.

Strengthened student support

This strand includes the work being done to make sure students are progressing in line with curriculum expectations, and that additional support is available and accessible for students who need it.

Strengthened professional support

This strand includes the work being done to make sure that teachers, kaiako and leaders are supported with the tools, skills, and knowledge needed to confidently implement change and embed new practices.

How to use the timeline

You can use the timeline to see the products and services that will be available to support you to get started and sustain progress.

The timeline has been designed to sit on an A3 page so you can print it out if you wish. Detailed information about the products, supports and services in the timeline are available in the drop down menus on this page.

We’ll be updating the implementation supports page regularly to align with the timeline. We’ll also be providing updates through our Curriculum Newsletter, so keep an eye out for these.

As we focus on strengthening our system of professional support so it is clear, coherent, and consistent, a range of current and new opportunities for professional learning and development (PLD) will be available.

For 2025 this includes:

For a detailed list of current and upcoming PLD opportunities visit: Professional Learning and Development (

We’re providing resources to help you get ready and get started with embedding the changes in your schools and kura. We’ll add to the kete below over time.

Maths Hub

In the Maths Hub you can find teaching resources, guidance, and information about supporting structured approaches to maths in your school.

Maths Hub (Tāhūrangi)

Structured Literacy

You can find information about resources to support primary school teachers in using structured literacy approaches for Years 0-8 along with existing literacy resources here:

Teaching resources to support structured literacy approaches (Tāhūrangi)

Learning content resources for literacy (Tāhūrangi)

The Ministry of Education also provides free, quality resources that can be used to support structured literacy approaches and Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā.

To find and order resources visit: Down the Back of the Chair | Login (Tāhūrangi)

Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā

More Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā resources and guidance are available to support the teaching and learning of Te Reo Rangatira.

Rangaranga Reo-ā-Tā resources (Tāhūrangi)

Other resources such as Pīpī Pānui series, Ngā Kete Kōrero readers, and journals from Rārangi Pukapuka series including teacher support materials can be used to support Te Reo Rangatira.

Find out more on Tāhūrangi here:

Maths – NZC

It’s not too late to order maths resources for use in 2025.

There’s a range to choose from so you can pick what will work best for your students. All the resources are aligned to the revised maths and statistics learning area for Years 0–8.

You’ll find a number of PDF info sheets on this page that contain useful information.

Ordering Ministry-funded maths resources (Tāhūrangi)

This page includes answers to frequently asked questions about structured approaches to maths and the ordering process for Ministry-funded maths resources.

Structured maths resources frequently asked questions (Tāhūrangi)

Pāngarau – Te Marautanga o Aotearoa

For Rangaranga Pāngarau, packages of resources and workbooks will soon be available to support the Pāngarau wāhanga ako for Years 0-8.

Check back for more information soon.

Implementation support packs

Implementation support packs are now available for both curricula – these will help you to facilitate sessions within your teams or across staff to understand and work towards the changes required from the start of 2025.

Supports for implementing curriculum, assessment and aromatawai changes (Tāhūrangi)

Funding for structured literacy and te reo matatini resources

As part of supporting schools and kura to implement structured literacy and te reo matatini approaches, we’re providing a contribution towards purchasing resources for structured approaches to literacy and te reo matatini.

You can purchase literacy, pānui and tuhituhi resources to support a structured approach to teaching, making use of the funding contribution provided – a minimum of $500 and up to $5,000 per school, each year, for the next four years.

More information is available here:

Funding for structured literacy and te reo matatini resources (Tāhūrangi)

For the 2025 year, schools and kura will be adjusting their assessment, aromatawai and reporting to reflect how students and ākonga are progressing against the new Years 0-6 English and Te Reo Rangatira and Years 9-8 maths and Pāngarau curricula.


Assessment tools

Standardised assessment tools help teachers know what each student can do and the progress they have made year-by-year in reading, writing and maths. Tools provide teachers a snapshot of how well each student is doing compared to the national average and the curriculum requirements. They direct teachers to notice each student’s next steps, identifying areas of strengths and improvement that may otherwise go unnoticed. They’re also important for identifying children who may need extra help.

Assessment Practices (Tāhūrangi)

Aromatawai tools

Kura are encouraged to use tools alongside aromatawai approaches, practices, and pedagogies. Kura and kaiako determine the timing for administering these tasks, tests, and checks, in alignment with their aromatawai policies. The aromatawai tools shown in the diagram below are available for use in 2025. Each of the tools identified supports a nationally consistent approach to aromatawai.

Ngā Tini Mata o te Aromatawai | Kauwhata Reo (Tāhūrangi)


Twice-yearly assessment and aromatawai for Years 3-8 students

Progression monitoring for reading, writing, maths, pānui, tuhituhi and Pāngarau for children and mokopuna in Years 3-8 should be done at least twice each year using standardised assessment and aromatawai tools to support teachers and kaiako to make informed decisions about student and ākonga progress, achievement, and success. While twice yearly use of tools is not required in 2025, it should be considered by schools and kura to support their assessment, aromatawai and reporting processes.

We will be providing supports to help teachers and kaiako use results from e-asTTle and these will be available in May 2025.

e-asTTle Resources (Tāhūrangi)

Ngā Tini Mata o te Aromatawai | Kauwhata Reo (Tāhūrangi)

Phonics checks/Hihira Weteoro

New phonics check are available for all schools and kura to carry out with students and ākonga in Years 1 and 2 from 2025.

Phonics checks – Guidance for schools (Tāhūrangi)

Hihira Weteoro (Tāhūrangi)

Reporting to parents

We’ve provided guidance and templates to supports teachers and kaiako with regular and clearer reporting to parents and whānau in line with curriculum content for Years 0-6 English, Years 0-8 maths, Years 0-6 Te Reo Rangatira and Years 0-8 Pāngarau.

Reporting to parents and whānau (Tāhūrangi)

Accelerating progress – leadership guidance

This guidance will help school leaders to plan for and review the approaches they use to accelerate progress so learners can access the curriculum and experience success. It is intended for leaders in English-medium and dual-medium schools to support the wide-ranging needs of all Years 0-8 learners in relation to the New Zealand Curriculum.

Accelerating progress - Leadership guidance (Tāhūrangi)

Maths and Pāngarau curriculum days

Schools and kura are being provided two curriculum days (or four half days) in 2025. These days do not need to be made up.

For Years 0-8:

The focus of the days is to support staff participating in maths or pāngarau PLD and the implementation of the new curriculum content. Schools and kura teaching The New Zealand Curriculum are encouraged to use these days to cover two of the four maths PLD days on offer.

More information on those days can be found here: Maths Professional Learning and Development – Professional Learning & Development (

For Years 9-13:

The focus of these curriculum days needs to be curriculum, assessment and aromatawai. One day (or two half days) can be used at any time during 2025 for curriculum, assessment and aromatawai related purposes. The remaining day (or two half days) should be used in Term 4 to prepare for implementation of the English, Te Reo Rangatira, maths and Pāngarau curricula in 2026.

For area schools, middle schools and wharekura:

Schools or kura may only close for two curriculum days total in 2025. You will need to work out how best to make use of these days to reflect the different purposes for different year levels.

Curriculum Advisory Service

Our recently expanded Curriculum Advisory Service works within regional teams to provide you with direct support. The service is made up of a range of people in our regional offices with diverse curriculum expertise. The teams are available to support you in implementing curriculum, assessment and aromatawai changes.

If you’re looking for this kind of support, please reach out to your local Ministry office:

Local Ministry offices (

Kaiako networks

Kahu Pūtoi is a peer-to-peer teaching network, providing support to kaiako who teach through te reo Māori. Through this network, kaiako have access to curriculum experts who can provide direct support through online forums, resource sharing, enquiry clusters and collaboration opportunities in implementing curriculum and aromatawai changes.

If you are looking for this kind of support, visit www.kahupū to register.

Working with ERO

Together, the Ministry and ERO will work with you to understand how you are getting ready to implement the changes, including the successes you are having, challenges you are facing, and tailoring additional support as needed.

We will do this by:

  • Te Mahau check-ins – local Ministry teams will be in touch with principals in Term 4 to ask about your planning and connect you with the supports you need. This will include checking whether your school has booked your structured literacy and maths PLD, ordered resources and applied for accelerated learning supports. If we already know that your school has undertaken PLD for structured literacy, our check in will be a little later in the term.

Scheduled ERO reviews – if your school has an ERO review scheduled for Term 4, ERO will have the feedback from your Te Mahau check-in to help inform their initial conversations with you. ERO will talk to you about the changing context, provide advice, and help you think about the support you might need and how to access this. ERO will not be reporting judgements about individual schools’ progress toward new curriculum implementation in its scheduled reviews but will explore with schools the next steps in curriculum implementation in their planning for the 2025 school year.

If you haven’t subscribed, we strongly encourage you to sign-up to make sure you receive the latest news and information about the support available including professional learning and development, resources, and funding: Subscribe to our curriculum newsletters (Tāhūrangi)

Implementation Supports Hub

We know that effective implementation and sustainable change won’t be achieved overnight – it's a shared and ongoing commitment. That’s why we’ve established this hub to make sure you have access to high-quality professional learning and development opportunities, frontline help, and resources and guidance wherever you’re starting from.

Need support or guidance? 

Contact your regional office to access the Curriculum Advisory Service for help with understanding changes, getting started, or sustaining progress.

Local Ministry offices (

For kaiako teaching through te reo Māori, register with Kahu Pūtoi for support.


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