Welcome to Tāhūrangi, your online curriculum hub. For queries or further support, email [email protected].
Te Whāriki includes three pathways, Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo, Te Ara Whānui and Te Ara Māori. Kei ia ara te mana, each pathway has equal status and mana in its own right.
An online hub for te reo Māori information, resources and guidance to support the growth of teaching and learning in and through te reo Māori.
This site offers information, resources, news, advice, and guidance, inspiring school stories, practical ideas, research reports, how to get support, and much, much more.
We’ve made some minor changes to our five-year implementation timeline.
You can find out more information here.
To help with the introduction of the first ever nationally consistent phonics checks the Ministry is running webinars to take you through how to do the checks.
Learn more about the range of new and refreshed resources that have been sent to every Years 0–8 kura and school using Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.
For the first time, a consistent tool to check how children are progressing in learning how to read is available for all Year 1 teachers.
For the first time all kura and schools teaching pānui and tuhituhi through te reo Māori can access a suite of phonics tools specifically created for te reo Māori learners.
All of our previous news stories and updates can be found on the Previous Updates tab, which you can see right below this tile!